
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prostituting the Hispanic Vote

Marty here.

From my highly sophisticated observatory here in the Wabash crater on Mars, I used my ultra telescope to read a column written by one Andres Oppenheimer.  Now, Oppenheimer sounds German, but I think this fellow is probably a Hispanic.  At any rate, his column entitled "Arizona Ruling May Backfire For Immigrants,"  is part of my observation and the reason for this post.

Mr. Oppenheimer opines: 
My opinion: I know this sounds weird, but if the judge had not blocked the worst provisions of the Arizona law, the state legislation may have died of natural causes once local police forces realized that they don't have the resources to act as federal immigration officers, nor the stomach to be seen worldwide as symbols of state-sponsored xenophobia.

Letting the worst parts of the Arizona law stand would have given Democrats a major campaign issue to get out the Hispanic vote in November, keep their majority in both houses of Congress, and negotiate a comprehensive immigration bill from a position of strength.

Now, it's going to be more difficult to get a high turnout from Hispanics, and we run the risk of ending up with a new Congress that is more sympathetic to Arizona-inspired anti-immigration laws. I hope I'm wrong, but it's a distinct possibility.
"[...] would have given Democrats a major campaign issue to get out the Hispanic vote in November,"  says it all for the point I'm going to make.  The Democrats take for granted the Hispanic vote should be theirs, much like they take the black vote for granted.  

There are millions of voting Hispanics in the United States and many of them support "immigration reform" but why should they? Illegal immigrants take jobs, drive down wages and increase the costs of government everywhere from schools to hospitals.  Yet, if you would believe the "progressives" we must "reform" the current laws.  Again, why?  If you buy the same reasoning as Oppenheimer, one would believe that the process of accepting these scofflaws into the path of citizenship is so that they, and their established compatriots can vote Democratic.  Doesn't that seem just a tad bit strange even to you earthlings?  We here on Mars would never put up with that kind of charazz (that's a Martian colloquialism that you probably understand.) Is it, according to the "civil rights" of all U.S. citizens that a massive of some 30 million potential Democratic voters should be ushered in by the very same Democratic party that is currently in power?  Here on Mars we'd consider that abuse of power, in the U.S. it is apparently "just politics."  

But I'm surprised the Hispanic voters aren't up in arms about the prostitution of their vote by the Democrats.  Surely the Hispanic voters aren't one massive voting bloc of progressives.  Surely, there are Hispanic politicos who strongly object to this politics as usual.  Surely, there are Hispanic voters who are fed up with being used for their votes then abandoned with promises of "immigration reform."

But then, maybe not.

Marty out!


Always On Watch said...

Hey! I see my link in your sidebar.

Thank you!

Always On Watch said...

I'm surprised the Hispanic voters aren't up in arms about the prostitution of their vote by the Democrats. Surely the Hispanic voters aren't one massive voting bloc of progressives.

Well, I'm not sure about that.

I will say that Hispanics are strongly familial, to the point of being nearly tribal in their alignments.

Anonymous said...

There is almost nothing a progressive loves more than a devout communist. This is the mindset of most Hispanics; this judging by the number of Hispanics who wear Che Guevara t-shirts. You remember Che ... the man who thought Mexicans were stupid.


Maggie Thornton said...

I believe a lot of Hispanic who are here legally do not want amesty, they don't want these people taking their jobs and they don't want America to turn into Mexico which they fled for good reasons.

Having said that, there are not nearly enough of those described above to make a difference:-)