
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Greetings Earthlings

Marty here and I've been watching you from the Warrior Planet Mars.  From here, I can only say that you people have screwed up an awful lot of things.  Oh, I know, most of you feel rather inconsequential when it comes to feeling like you can make any changes, but my gosh folks, take a look around you.  What do you see.  You folks in the political subdivision called the United States (ha, united my rear end - the squabbling, dividing yourselves into red and blue states) having your federal government attack your state called Arid (yes, I know, its really called Arizona but my gosh it's Arid).  I just don't know what to make of all this.  Well, there are other political subdivisions out there that I'll comment on from time to time, but you Americans, well, you guys take the cake.

Here on my world, we'd never put up with a leader like you have.  My gosh, our folk have sufficient intelligence not to be taken in by velvet speech and catchy slogans.  Yes we can indeed!  So, in the coming rotations of your planet (you do call them day's don't you) I'll be dropping by and giving you the benefit of my superior intellect, my observations on things stupid and perverse, and an occasional suggestion as to how you can pull your heads out of your collective butts.

Marty out!


Maggie Thornton said...

Marty, welcome to the blogsphere where the atmosphere is really, really heavy, pierced by a gaseous media of false prophets.

I really appreciate being on your b-list. I'll return the favor.

I look forward to your non-earthly observations, and...congratulations!

Always On Watch said...

May it be noted that I love Ray Bradbury's writings.