
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Arizona Conundrum

Marty here!  I've been observing your political problems in Arid (which you folk call Arizona).  Listen, I call places by what they seem to be, but in recognition that I need to communicate with you earthlings, I'll call the places what you call them, even if it is more difficult for me, it's the least I can do for a people that would elect a velvet voice with no experience to lead them.  Arizona recently passed and the Governor signed a law that mimics the Federal law and the President and most of the Progressives and certainly all the Democrats got their panties all in a twist.

At any rate, the President (a dude named Obama) directed his legal eagle known as an Attorney General to file a law suit to get the law in Arizona tossed out.  Geeze folks, can't you do anything right? I've read your Constitution and there is nothing in there that says states can't pass laws mimicking your Constitution.  Look, it is very simple, you folk are being overrun with invaders from other countries.  Primarily from a country named Mexico, but other countries (in particular in the middle east) as well and your federal government isn't doing Jack about it.  And here you folk are sitting on your collective butts watching this charade happen.  What the hell is wrong with you?

We once were invaded by the planet Pluto and were almost run over by these silly looking mutts but we rounded them up, shipped them home and that was the end of the problem.  It took a while, it was expensive but it had to be done. And Martians understood that, in spite of the fact that most if not all of the Pluton's just wanted to live in a more prosperous planet, with more freedom etc.  But they were costing money, taking jobs which Martian war dogs needed and they just left a large mess of stuff on the ground, if you know what I mean.  Why the hell don't you guys see that you need to do the same.

And don't tell me that all those folk have any right to invade.  Your panty waisted progressives may wring their hands and cry out for social justice, but who is crying out for the social justice for your own citizens who are poor and willing to take a job, any job to earn a living.  Huh?  Didn't you think of them?  You have enough folks to do the work, so get with the program.

Marty out!


Maggie Thornton said...

Hey Marty, you ask if there is anything we can do right. About that Arizona thing, the Arizona gov did everything right. It's the activist judge that doesn't get our Constitution. I thought she might be from some foreign Mars or something, but now that I've met you, I'm thinking that doesn't fit. She's just a Democrat. That's the only thing I can blame it on - along with years of neither party caring about the constitutionality of anything.

Great to have you up there (or out there???) keeping the pulse of earthly issues. Boy do we have plenty of issues.

Z said...

I HIGHLY approve of your term "Geeze" up there on Mars, thanks :-)
I like the solution to your problem with those Plutonians! We see that we need to 'do the same' but we've got this party called DEMOCRATS who don't! :-) geeeeeZ!

Seth said...

Marty --

Great post, and right on the money.

If only the earthlings (at least, they say they are) we call Democrats could see things as clearly from here as you can from so far away, we would have a mere fraction of the problems we do.

Keep up the good work! :-)