Marty here!
I'm amused as I watch Earthling TV and read Earthling newspapers to see that former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin stated that Mr. Obama lacks the "cojones [pronounced Co - hone - es]" to tackle the illegal alien problem in the United States. Of course, in polite company, only the word cojones would do. The rest of us would say either "the President needs to grow a pair," or "the President doesn't have the balls" to tackle the problem of 30 million people sapping the economy of the United States.
While it is absolutely true that the folk from Mexico and elsewhere do add to the economy, it is equally true that their drain on the economy via costs to educate children and health care/welfare costs and the amount of money sent home add up to a net drain. This isn't conjecture, but fact. Five sources, read them all.
In actuality, as I pointed out in a previous post the real reason Obama and his Democratic compatriots in the House, Senate and from Hispanic Politicos most everywhere is that most illegal aliens who vote [and they vote illegally of course] vote for Democrats. Dispute that if you will.
So, for those of you in this country (and the facts are that this is the vast majority) who think, like Palin, that Obama lacks the cojones to stop illegal immigration think again. He wants it to continue and he thinks he can keep it going with something called immigration reform. Beware the reformers folks, they don't have YOUR best interests in mind, only their own.
Marty out!
I'm back! but this UPDATE is worth reading. My friend Mustang at Social Sense has a great article up "The Illegal Question."
Hi Marty, Yes it is definitely not a matter of cojones or courage. It is an agenda. It means millions of votes for Democrats, and they will not give them up easily.
7,000 ICE officers have voted no confidence in the ICE director and assistant director - said they were publicly separating themselves from these two libtards and we've barely heard a peep about it.
Illegal invaders do cost our economy -- and in several ways.
Of course, the open-borders folks refuse to admit any of the FACTS!
Hey Marty!..thanks so much for droppin by my haunt..addin u to the "esteemed" blogroll as well..heh KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!!:)
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